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Both types of the triggers are almost identical except one principal section:

  • ScheduleTrigger has a schedule section which describes how often it should check sources for changes.
  • WebhookTrigger has a webhook section which describes triggers behavior on HTTP requests.

sources section contains list (one or more) of sources to check. Every time ScheduleTrigger runs, it checks all sources one by one and creates Job for each source that has been changed from the previous check.

It's possible to specify additional constrain on the source check: list of the file glob patterns, that should be changed to get the trigger fired. Adding or removing files, as well as changing of any file content (hash), means that source has been changed. Pattern format is a well-known .gitignore format, described in details in the git documentation.

WebhookTrigger can be called by specifying path to the trigger in one of the two forms:

  • By trigger name without a source name: /namespace/trigger, like /default/trigger-example. In this case, trigger checks all defined sources one by one like a ScheduleTrigger.
  • With full source name: /namespace/trigger/source, like /default/trigger-example/source-repo-1. In this case, trigger check specified source only.

Second form is disabled by default to avoid possible unpredictable workload burst, and may be enabled by multiSource flag.

If authConfig section of the WebhookTrigger is defined, authorization header should be present in each request to the trigger. Header name may be changed.


kind: ScheduleTrigger
  name: trigger-example
  namespace: default
  # Mandatory section,
  # It specifies a list of the sources to watch and optionally watching config
    # Kind of the sources,
    # Allowed values: GitRepo and ClusterGitRepo
    kind: GitRepo
    # List of the sources to watch on. Trigger will clone each repo one by one,
    # and check for changes each repo separately.
    # Trigger calls action for each source separately,
    # so if all three sources (in the example below) were changed -
    # trigger calls action three times consecutively.
      - source-repo-1
      - source-repo-2
      - source-repo-3
    # Optional watching config
      # Run action if repo reference was changes only,
      # and ignore it if the current commit is the same
      # as during the previous run.
      # If this field is `false`, trigger will call action each time
      # it runs regardless of changes in the source.
      # Default is `true`
      onChangeOnly: true
      # Which referent to watch on
      # Allowed keys: branch, tag and commit with corresponding values.
      # These keys are mutually exclusive.
      # Default is `branch: main`
        branch: main # default
        tag: v0.1.0
        commit: 92abcd3fc4082ed5e53f12b383e14580b83dcff3
      # Optionally, besides checking for changes in the whole repo,
      # trigger can check for changes in some specific files, specified by glob patterns,
      # known as a `.gitignore` pattern, described in the git documentation:
      # Presence, absence or hash of the files matters, but modification time doesn't.
      # Logic for calling action is:
      # - if both reference and any matching file were changed/add/removed - call the action,
      # - if reference was changed, but any files weren't - don't call the cation,
      # - if reference was changed, but no matching files aren't present - call the action.
        - doc/examples/scheduletrigger.yaml
        - "*.md"
        - "!"

  # Mandatory schedule that defines when sources should be checked for changes.
  # Allowed keys: interval, cron.
  # These keys are mutually exclusive.
  # Interval defines time in human-readable format (like 10s, 5m, 20h, 5h30m25s)
  # between the finish of the previous run and start of the next run.
  # Cron defines classic cron schedule.
  # It uses seven items expression: seconds, minutes, hours, days (month), months, days (week), years.
  # Seconds and years can be omitted: if an expression has 5 items, it runs at second 0 every year;
  # if it has 6 items - the first item defines seconds.
    interval: 1m
    cron: "*/15 9-20 * * 1-5"

  # Mandatory definition of the Action to use for this trigger.
    # TYpe of the action,
    # Allowed values: Action, ClusterAction
    kind: Action
    # Actions' name
    name: some-action

# Current trigger status
  # Current state, possible values:
  # - Idle: indicates that trigger is in waiting for event state,
  # - Running: trigger runs sources check loop,
  # - WrongConfig: misconfiguration of the trigger prevents running.
  state: Idle
  # Timestamp of last triggers' run
  lastRun: 2024-05-20T01:02:03Z
  # Dictionary with results of all sources checks
      # Last hash discovered in the source/reference
      # Last hash of the optional file in the repo
      # Timestamp of the last sources' change
      changed: 2024-05-20T01:02:01Z


kind: WebhookTrigger
  name: trigger-example
  namespace: default
  # Mandatory section,
  # It specifies a list of the sources to watch and optionally watching config
    # Kind of the sources,
    # Allowed values: GitRepo and ClusterGitRepo
    kind: GitRepo
    # List of the sources to watch on. Trigger will clone each repo one by one,
    # and check for changes each repo separately.
    # Trigger calls action for each source separately,
    # so if all three sources (in the example below) were changed -
    # trigger calls action three times consecutively.
      - source-repo-1
      - source-repo-2
      - source-repo-3
    # Optional watching config
      # Run action if repo reference was changes only,
      # and ignore it if the current commit is the same
      # as during the previous run.
      # If this field is `false`, trigger will call action each time
      # it runs regardless of changes in the source.
      # Default is `true`
      onChangeOnly: true
      # Which referent to watch on
      # Allowed keys: branch, tag and commit with corresponding values.
      # These keys are mutually exclusive.
      # Default is `branch: main`
        branch: main # default
        tag: v0.1.0
        commit: 92abcd3fc4082ed5e53f12b383e14580b83dcff3
      # Optionally, besides checking for changes in the whole repo,
      # trigger can check for changes in some specific files, specified by glob patterns,
      # known as a `.gitignore` pattern, described in the git documentation:
      # Presence, absence or hash of the files matters, but modification time doesn't.
      # Logic for calling action is:
      # - if both reference and any matching file were changed/add/removed - call the action,
      # - if reference was changed, but any files weren't - don't call the cation,
      # - if reference was changed, but no matching files aren't present - call the action.
        - doc/examples/scheduletrigger.yaml
        - "*.md"
        - "!"

  # Mandatory definition of the webhook behavior,
    # If `true`, it's possible to call checks for all triggers' sources
    # by single call to `/namespace/trigger`
    # as well as call to a single source by `/namespace/trigger/source`
    # If `false`, single source calls are allowed only.
    # Default is `false`
    multiSource: false
    # Optionals (by strongly recommended) section with webhook authentication config.
      # Mandatory reference to the Secret with auth token.
        # Name of the secret
        name: webhook-auth
      # Mandatory key name in the Secret which contains authentication token
      key: token
      # Optional HTTP request header with auth token
      # Default is `x-trigger-auth`
      header: x-trigger-auth

  # Mandatory definition of the Action to use for this trigger.
    # TYpe of the action,
    # Allowed values: Action, ClusterAction
    kind: Action
    # Actions' name
    name: some-action

# Current trigger status
  # Current state, possible values:
  # - Idle: indicates that trigger is in waiting for event state,
  # - Running: trigger runs sources check loop,
  # - WrongConfig: misconfiguration of the trigger prevents running.
  state: Idle
  # Timestamp of last triggers' run
  lastRun: 2024-05-20T01:02:03Z
  # Dictionary with results of all sources checks
      # Last hash discovered in the source/reference
      # Last hash of the optional file in the repo
      # Timestamp of the last sources' change
      changed: 2024-05-20T01:02:01Z