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The Helm chart has two dedicated controllers' configuration sections, pretty well commented in the values.yaml:

  • controllerOptions: defines values of some controllers' command line options.
  • runtimeConfig: defines content of the ConfigMap with dynamic controllers' config, or, in other words, with overridden defaults. It will be reloaded by controller each time it's changed.

Let's explain all of them with some details.

Controller options


Allowed values: error, warn, info, debug, trace.

Using this parameter, you can change log level. If nothing is specified the default level is info.


This section describes OpenTelemetry configuration. If otlp.enabled is true then otlp.endpoint should point to the OpenTelemetry collector endpoint.


This section declares the parameters of using Lease resource to manage leader elections. There are two parameters:

  • duration: leader election will be started if the current leaseholder doesn't confirm its lock during this time (in seconds).
  • grace: leaseholder re-confirms (renews) its lock the grace interval (in seconds) before lock expires.

Logically, grace should be less than duration and the grace interval should be enough to re-confirm lock.

scheduleParallelism, webhooksParallelism

Allowed values: integer from 1 to 255.

These parameters set, for each type of triggers, the maximum number of parallel tasks that the controller runs to watch for changes in the sources.

Important: This is not a maximum number of simultaneous action jobs. This is a way to restrict controller only from running of huge number of simultaneous source verification tasks. So there is no way (at least now) to restrict number of action jobs.


This parameter specifies the maximum number of seconds to hold values in the cache of secrets.

Controller resolves content of the secrets each time it needs secret value (for example, WebhookTrigger can use auth token stored in a secret). To eliminate Kubernetes API overloading by huge number of requests for secret values, the controller has some kind of shared cache for secrets. It holds only vales used by controller.


This section defines which folder (mountPath) will be used inside the controller to clone content of the sources during periodic verification for changes.

At the same time, parameter volumeName defines name of the Pods' volume, which should be used for that folder. Helm chart defines controllers' Pod with this volume of type emptyDir.


The parameter specifies prefix ("namespace") to use for Prometheus metrics. The default value is git_events_runner.

Runtime config


Defines triggers defaults:

  • webhook.defaultAuthHeader: default header name with authentication token in a WebhookTrigger request. May be changed in the trigger config. Default is x-trigger-auth.


This section defines lots of defaults of action jobs.

Parameter name Default value Description
ttlSecondsAfterFinished 7200 Default time to leave of Job after finishing. After this time Jobs will be removed from the cluster with its Pod. Useful fo debug purpose.
activeDeadlineSeconds 3600 Default time limit to run Job. After this time incomplete Job will be terminated.
maxRunningJobs 16 Maximum number of simultaneously running Jobs, per controller replica. Jobs that can't be running will be queued and waiting.
jobWaitingTimeoutSeconds 300 Maximum time (in seconds) Jobs can wait in queue before start because maxRunningJobs is exceeded.
defaultServiceAccount {{ fullname }}-action-job Default service account name for action jobs. Actual default depends on release name and fullnameOverride global parameter.
workdir.mountPath /action_workdir Default folder to clone source content to. It's used for both cloner and worker container.
workdir.volumeName action-workdir Volume name of workdir emptyDir volume. action-cloner Name of the source cloner initContainer in the action Job.
containers.cloner.image{{ .Chart.AppVersion }} Default image to use for source cloner container. action-worker Name of the action worker container in the action Job.
containers.worker.image{{ .Chart.AppVersion }} Default image to use for the action worker container.
containers.worker.variablesPrefix ACTION_JOB_ Prefix for environment variables of the action worker container, that controller creates to pass trigger and sources parameters.

Command line parameters

Controller application has three subcommands:

  • crds: to print CRD manifests to the stdout. It's useful to install CRD declarations to your cluster directly. It has no additional options.
  • config: to print a default dynamic config to the stdout. It's useful to get base config and modify parts you want to customize. Has only one optional parameter --helm-template to dump some templates instead of default values: this option is useful in CI/CD pipelines to automate Helm chart linting and templating.
  • run: to run controller, all command line parameters are optional and have defaults. All of them are described as a static configuration options above in this section.
docker run --rm --help

Kubernetes operator to run Jobs on events from Git

Usage: git-events-runner <COMMAND>

  crds    Print CRD definitions to stdout
  config  Print default dynamic config YAML to stdout
  run     Run K8s controller
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version
docker run --rm run --help

Run K8s controller

Usage: git-events-runner run [OPTIONS]

  -w, --webhooks-port <WEBHOOKS_PORT>
          Port to listen on for webhooks [default: 8080]
  -u, --utility-port <UTILITY_PORT>
          Port to listen on for utilities web [default: 3000]
      --webhooks-parallelism <WEBHOOKS_PARALLELISM>
          Maximum number of webhook triggers running in parallel [default: 16]
      --schedule-parallelism <SCHEDULE_PARALLELISM>
          Maximum number of schedule triggers running in parallel [default: 16]
      --secrets-cache-time <SECRETS_CACHE_TIME>
          Seconds to cache secrets for [default: 60]
      --source-clone-folder <SOURCE_CLONE_FOLDER>
          Path (within container) to clone repo to [default: /tmp/git-events-runner]
      --config-map-name <CONFIG_MAP_NAME>
          Name of the ConfigMap with dynamic controller config [default: git-events-runner-config]
      --leader-lease-name <LEADER_LEASE_NAME>
          Name of the Lease for leader locking [default: git-events-runner-leader-lock]
      --leader-lease-duration <LEADER_LEASE_DURATION>
          Leader lease duration, seconds [default: 30]
      --leader-lease-grace <LEADER_LEASE_GRACE>
          Leader lease grace interval, seconds [default: 20]
      --metrics-prefix <METRICS_PREFIX>
          Name of the ConfigMap with dynamic controller config [default: git_events_runner]
  -h, --help
          Print help

gitrepo-cloner options

Usually you don't use this image (or app) directly, but the controller runs Jobs with gitrepo-cloner init image. It doesn't have configuration files but command line options only.

Just for the sake of curiosity or for debugging purpose:

docker run --rm --help

Git repo cloner, supplementary tool for git-events-runner operator

Usage: gitrepo-cloner [OPTIONS] --kind <SOURCE_KIND> --source <SOURCE_NAME> --destination <DESTINATION> <--branch <BRANCH>|--tag <TAG>|--commit <COMMIT>>

  -k, --kind <SOURCE_KIND>         Source kind
  -s, --source <SOURCE_NAME>       Source name
  -b, --branch <BRANCH>            Branch name
  -t, --tag <TAG>                  Tag name
  -c, --commit <COMMIT>            Commit hash
  -d, --destination <DESTINATION>  Destination folder
  -p, --preserve-git-folder        Don't remove .git folder after clone
      --debug                      Set log level to debug
  -h, --help                       Print help
  -V, --version                    Print version

Note: --branch, --tag and --commit options are mutually exclusive, but one of them is mandatory;